Digital Marketing – Sparx IT Solutions Thu, 21 Sep 2023 12:11:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital Marketing – Sparx IT Solutions 32 32 Why Is Content Marketing Important for Your Business? Wed, 23 Dec 2020 10:08:07 +0000 Are you sure your marketing strategy is not focused on short-term gains? How do you ensure that you are effectively using the right marketing tactics? Do you know the right marketing approach can make you a considerable brand from a small start-up? In such a competitive B2B marketing landscape, entrepreneurs make great investments to market […]

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Are you sure your marketing strategy is not focused on short-term gains?

How do you ensure that you are effectively using the right marketing tactics? Do you know the right marketing approach can make you a considerable brand from a small start-up? In such a competitive B2B marketing landscape, entrepreneurs make great investments to market their products and services to reach wider audiences. Even after putting so much into promotion and advertising, businesses failed to grab huge attention from shoppers. Why? What could be the reason? This is because of the outdated or less effective marketing program. 

Have you heard the phrase “Content is King”? Well, content marketing is the best approach to separate you from your competitors. This modern marketing approach has now become much-needed for businesses. Behind every successful and well-known brand is a wealth of relevant content. A valuable content delivery establishes a connection between the company and audiences. Entrepreneurs can avail digital marketing services to introduce their brand to a wider audience. Only a professional marketing strategist can promote your business in the right direction.

Content marketing can help your business in the following ways:

  • Create a sense of community around your brand
  • Build relationships between your customers and business that leads to enhanced loyalty
  • Showcase your latest deals and offers
  • Boost conversions
  • Educate your leads about the products and services you offer

To help you better understand the importance of content marketing, I have created a list of major benefits offered by this excellent marketing approach. Below is the important point briefly described to let you understand why a content marketing approach is the best way to add value to your brand.

Why is content marketing important?

Improved Brand Reputation

The reputation building quality of content marketing made it the biggest hit. To be a reliable brand, businesses need to gain the trust of their target audiences. Trust-building helps businesses to grow faster and establish a great brand reputation. While reading your content, customers start developing an opinion about your brand. To be very straight, the content speaks about your brand. If your content is not engaging, educational, and well structured then it will surely divert the user and take away your leads. So, quality content delivery is a must to gain great market value. 

Generate Leads

An engaging content holds the potential to generate leads. A quality content delivery convinces the reader to avail your products and services and convert them into potential customers. The right placement of CTAs (Call-To-Action) can help you to get maximum conversions. Your content acts as a guide to the user. It helps them to navigate your website easily. The more connected a user will feel with your content, the more chances to get his/her click on the Call-To-Action and move on to your landing page. You can also avail PPC Marketing services for maximized lead generation within less duration.

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Optimized Content Helps In Improved SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays a vital role to improve your brand’s visibility. Creating user-friendly and optimized content improves SEO. Creating content using targeted keywords is the most effective SEO technique. Not only this, but a website with the daily updates of new blog ranks better than the website that updates the blog content rarely. The more content you will add to your web pages the more chances to increase your search engine ranking. You can avail SEO Services from reputed marketing agencies for great results. 

Build Customer Relationship

As we discussed above, content is an integral part of brand reputation and trust-building. It helps you to generate new leads. But what about the customer who has already experienced your products and services? Repeat sales always fuel your business revenue with fewer efforts. Potential clients are nothing but a perk for your business. Delivering updated and informative content will help your customers to stay connected with your brand so that they can make a purchase in future as well. It helps you to maintain a relationship with potential buyers. 

Content Marketing is a Cost-Effective Approach

As compared to other traditional marketing programs, content marketing is less expensive. Where outbound marketing tactics take more efforts and financial investments, content marketing is easily affordable and generates more leads. It helps in generating organic leads where investment is less and chances of getting potential conversions are high. 

More Social Media Traffic

If you deliver quality content on social media, then it will be beneficial for you to grab social media traffic. People these days are more likely to shop from social media brands like Instagram and Facebook. Once the customers find your content informative and engaging, they will surely look up to your brand and start following it on social media. Social media marketing approaches like Facebook Marketing Services helps you gain more traffic from social media platforms.

Numerous industry experts rely on content marketing to increase brand awareness. To take your business to the next level you must follow the latest content marketing trends. Following the trends always gives your future benefits. To get you a clear idea about the latest content marketing tactics, have a quick look at the points mentioned below. 

Latest content marketing trends to take your business sot another level:

  • Building content communities
  • Going live with video and webinars
  • Improving content experience
  • Focusing on products and services
  • Focus on automated text
  • Follow SEO guidelines
  • Repurposing content across various channels
  • Evolution  of voice search
  • Content Needs to Be Concise
  • Diversified Content Brings in New Audiences
  • Influencer Marketing Is Evolving

If you are planning to invest in content marketing, keep these trends in mind. An outdated marketing strategy is like a damaged tier of vehicle, it will not take your business anywhere. Go in the right direction and follow the future trends. Apart from following the recent approach, there are different types of content marketing. You can choose the one that you find the best option as per your target audience and demographic region.

Types of content marketing:

  • Podcast Content Marketing
  • Paid Ad Content Marketing
  • Video Content Marketing
  • Infographic Content Marketing
  • Social Media Content Marketing
  • Blog Content Marketing


For every business owner, content marketing strategy is an expert step. By honing on an effective marketing hack you can maximize traffic and leads. Your content should reach your audience that makes it look natural not a scripted one. An easy to read and structured content can help you to grab the user’s attention and convince them to convert to your website. Quality content has the power to boost your sales and revenue. Use the right strategy and recent trends to be an unbeatable brand in the industry. 

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7 Best Content Marketing Techniques for Businesses Thu, 24 Sep 2020 13:14:17 +0000 Successful content marketing needs two things – experiments and consistency. You should have the consistency to never stop exploring the new horizons of content. Where most of us think that content is restricted to the words that we write, successful marketers have embraced video, images, podcasts, etc in their content strategies over the past few […]

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Successful content marketing needs two things – experiments and consistency. You should have the consistency to never stop exploring the new horizons of content. Where most of us think that content is restricted to the words that we write, successful marketers have embraced video, images, podcasts, etc in their content strategies over the past few years.

As an experienced digital marketing company, we can vouch on one thing – every kind of content has been explored and exploited as a growth hacking strategy by businesses until 2020! Are you doubting this? Don’t worry, we are backed by statistics.

Do businesses have a content marketing strategy?

According to the survey findings of the Content Marketing Institute, 91% of B2B marketers and 60% of B2C marketers are committed to content marketing. But, sadly 63% of businesses do not have any kind of documented content strategy.

The gap between the marketers and businesses is very evident with these statistics. Businesses are failing to reach a reliable content marketing company for establishing a result-oriented content strategy.

If you are associated with one of these businesses, then it’s time to explore this incredible tool to reach out the potential customers. Although it is not easy to generate traffic and leads, following the right techniques can always make the road less bumpy.

Top 7 Content Marketing Techniques

Top 7 Content-Marketing-Techniques

Never Consider Any Platform worth Leaving

Every platform, from Reddit to YouTube is worth trying in your content marketing strategy. The marketers who shy away from trying new platforms often lose new customers. Different platforms bring brand new scope for audience engagement with your content.

Although not all platforms give superb engagement to every platform, trying hands-on different platforms can let you discover what works for your business. For example, if your target audience is millennials then leaving Snapchat unexplored is a big mistake.

Before starting posting on any platform, you should research the content which works on it. This will become easy when you get in touch with experts. Like, if you are considering video marketing then it is recommended to get in touch with YouTube marketing experts. In 2020, you can find experts for every digital platform quite easily.

There is No Substitute for Quality

Never ever get the idea of low to average quality content to cultivate in your head. It is nothing less than taking your brand on the verge of suicide. It is vital to create the content of the best quality for each and every platform.

The biggest mistake that entrepreneurs make is spending a lot of time on quantity or metrics and neglecting the quality altogether. You need to create content that is authentic and attracts the attention of the audience.

Anything less than high-quality content creation is a complete waste of time. But, who is going to check the quality and relevancy of your content? Tools? No! Whenever you create content make sure that you are going to watch it or read it yourself without getting bored. This means it adds curiosity and addiction to the mind of the audience.

Stay on Your Toes Always

When you aim at content marketing then the end goals might be related to traffic and conversions. But the way to reach your end goal has one crucial thing. This comes after content creation and before conversions. It’s engagement!

Yes, content is aimed at bringing engagement from the audience. It is the by-product of content marketing. Quality content is an igniter for bringing engagement but not its fuel. You will have to be its fuel by engaging with the audience.

How will you do this? It’s quite simple. Reply to comments, even if they are negative. Engage with others’ content on social media. Never keep any audience member waiting for your reply. You never know who brings what for your business! Stay on your toes all the time and boost the engagement.

Talk About What You Give More Than How You Give

What if McDonald’s start creating content on the recipes of their burgers and fries? Or how they ask customers about their choice and showcase their menu? This sounds weird because we can relate to this brand quite easily.

But this is what most businesses are doing. For example, Sparx IT Solutions is a web and mobile app development company. We are writing about top app ideas, popular frameworks, and technology stacks.

This adds value to our blog readers’ knowledge. What if we start writing blogs on how we serve our clients. Or how we consult our clients? Will it add any value to their knowledge about our services? Hence, always try to give something informative to your audience rather than bombarding them with your brand information.

Understand Your Audience and Their Behaviors

Have you ever heard about a buyer persona? If yes, then have you found out your brand’s buyer persona? It is crucial to discover these personas to create content that gives more value to the audience of your content.

To identify the buyer personas you need to visualize your ideal audience. Where should they live? What should be their age? What should be their gender, interests, relationship status, etc? While answering these questions, you will find the buyer persona.

Try to create multiple buyer personas. You can also know about the customers’ behavior by applying different artificial intelligence technologies like machine learning to get greater insight into their actions.

When you will know these things about your target audience, it will get easier to create content. In other words, with a close connection with buyer personas, you can create more informed content strategies. If you have not decided buyer personas yet then it’s time to do it now!

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Make them Feel Before They Buy

Buy this shirt, please buy this shirt, buy this shirt today, buy this shirt fast!!! If this is the kind of content you are creating then you have zero skills of content marketing. No one is going to purchase anything from you if you are telling them to do so.

People never buy anything until they are made to feel something. They buy emotions and not things! This is the reason that immersive technologies like augmented realities and virtual reality are booming in every industry from social networking to eLearning platform development.

When you let them connect with your brand emotionally, you give them a chance to consider making the purchase decision. The biggest of the biggest brands have focussed on emotions more than selling things straight. Whether its Cadbury celebrations or Myntra’s End of Reason sale, emotional marketing is what that sells today.

Create SEO-Friendly Pages

All your pages should be focussing on keywords. These keywords should be the ones for which your target audience is passionate about. This is a pro tip to create your strategy. Make sure the web development team uses SEO semantic codes.

These pages should revolve around the strategically advantageous keyword. Companies are generating more than 50% more revenue by optimizing their pages. You can get them developed with the help of content marketing experts.

Are You Going to Try these Content Marketing Tactics?

If you are willing to try these techniques then make sure you have time to do this dedicatedly. As we quoted “consistency” as the primary thing for successful content marketing, you should stay committed to these techniques.

A/B testing is an indispensable part of any marketing activity. Keeping both these essentials in mind, you should definitely try these content marketing techniques for your business. If you have a single doubt on your consistency due to lack of resources or too many responsibilities on your part then consider taking expert assistance.

Experts can show you a different perspective and take over your burden as content marketing requires constant experiments and updates. We, at Sparx IT Solutions, are providing content marketing services for the past 13 years.

Our team is actively indulged in research and development of new techniques by following the trends and leveraging advanced technologies. We develop new avenues for our clients to reach out to their target audience with the right content through the right channel at the right time! Connect with us if you also believe that content has more power than Thor (wink).

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How To Recover Your Website From Google Core Update? Thu, 23 Jan 2020 11:45:38 +0000 Google is a leading search engine in the world, and we can call it the king of all search engines. Indeed, every year Google processes 1.2 trillion searches that mean 40,000 searches per second. Moreover, this giant search engine keeps on rolling new updates to provide better results as well as to stay on the […]

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Google is a leading search engine in the world, and we can call it the king of all search engines. Indeed, every year Google processes 1.2 trillion searches that mean 40,000 searches per second. Moreover, this giant search engine keeps on rolling new updates to provide better results as well as to stay on the top. These updates come when Google performs enhancements in its search algorithm. These algorithmic changes cause websites to lose their positioning and ranking. And, this results in a drastic impact on their businesses. In this blog, we will cover some of the ways to recover websites from Google’s core update.

Ways to recover a website from Google core update

google core update
Search Engine Optimization is quite dynamic, and you need to be prepared for regular changes to your website. When a new Google core update arrives, you can perform certain activities to recover the disrupted ranking and positioning of your site with reliable SEO services. The following are some strategies that can help you to reinstate the position and ranking of your site in the SERPs if a Google core update hits it. However, recovery takes significant efforts, time, and patience.

Take advantage of real expertise

In the SEO community, there is a lot of discussion about E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) and how they are useful for enhancing the declining performance of a website. There are many recommendations for improving E-A-T, and one of them is to make sure that all authors of articles have their associated bios on a dedicated author bio page. It brings transparency about who your authors are and helps to ensure that real experts write the content, especially in the case of YMYL content. You can leverage expert reviewers who are professionals in their domain to audit content and to ensure its accuracy. It makes your content more accurate and trustworthy that can be useful for improving your ranking.

Quality content

content is king

Those who win the Google core updates maintain the highest level of quality of their content. Whatever content you publish on your site should be well-researched, well-edited, unbiased, and should include citations to trusted publications. Further, you should make sure that these external links are used for SEO purposes — because Google makes connections between your content and the sources from where you obtained the information. So, improving the quality of your content can help restore the position if an algorithm update hits it.

Add trust signals

One of the critical elements for improving E-A-T that wining websites utilize is showing clear trust signals. These trust signals include things like showing awards & recognition, certifications, and other information that make people trust the brand. These trust signals help boost the credibility of your site as well as ensure visitors that you are doing good enough to make your business better. This is might be helpful to recover your website from the effects of the Google core update.

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Create powerful backlinks

When it comes to Google, links are very crucial in determining the rankings of websites. Hence, it’s essential to check your backlink profile or the websites that are linking to yours. When a website links your site, it does so to provide or share some quality content. By assessing and updating quality content on your site can bring you more backlinks, even quality links. These links serve a trust symbol for Google. If a reputed website has a link to your site, then Google believes that your content is relevant and trustworthy for the audience.

Avoid using salesy language

It would be best if you did not mix informational and transactional languages on the pages that are intended to provide some information or advice. For instance, if a page is dedicated to providing useful information, it shouldn’t contain promotional or sales-oriented details. Making your content too salesy can cause distrust among the audience about the information provided on your page. Thus, you should avoid using any salesy language when it comes to providing informational content to boost trust.

Limited ads with clear policies

Never overwhelm visitors with too many ads on your site. Too many ads will harm your website. Further, transparency is also essential to win the trust of your visitors, and this is possible when you make it clear about the purpose of your site. You can do this by maintaining explicit advertising and editorial policies so that visitors would know who writes for you, how content is edited, and what ads the users might see, and how those ads are chosen. By displaying a clear policy about ads and editorial helps you build trust among your audience. It will also help you get a positive impact on your site’s ranking.

How does a digital marketing agency help to recover from Google updates?

digital marketing agency

Google updates come regularly, and the best way to avoid any worst situation is to make the right preparations. If you are creating a new site start by ensuring a robust web design that is completely SEO friendly. You can work with a professional and experienced digital marketing agency to prepare your business for the updates. Such an agency has the right expertise and skills to assist you in recovering from the degrading position after an algorithm update. The agency also protects your position and ranking against the other algorithm updates. An agency helps you in the following ways:

  • Conducts a comprehensive analysis to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your site.
  • Having multiple resources, they can resolve your issues more effectively.
  • They employ the best-suited resources to provide appropriate solutions to your issues.
  • An agency has the tools and methods to assess your site’s trajectory and implement necessary improvements.
  • The professionals in an agency understand Google algorithms, and they have experience in providing relevant solutions to improve the position of your site.

If you are here to find the best digital marketing company, then Sparx IT Solutions is the right choice. We are a trusted web design and development company that also provides digital marketing services. With our results-driven digital marketing services, we are committed to helping online businesses to enhance their online visibility and performance. Our well-experienced and talented digital marketing professionals understand what your website needs to recover from the impact of a Google core update. We help you obtain a better online position and ranking with our SEO services. Contact us to avail our services.

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How User Experience is Vital For Digital Success? Thu, 22 Aug 2019 08:49:35 +0000 In the digital landscape, the user experience has become an indispensable element. It majorly impacts the amount of time the user spends on your website, and whether they’ll convert or not. Whether it is searching answers via search engines, booking flight tickets, ordering food, or grocery shopping, the users wanted their needs to be delivered […]

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In the digital landscape, the user experience has become an indispensable element. It majorly impacts the amount of time the user spends on your website, and whether they’ll convert or not.

Whether it is searching answers via search engines, booking flight tickets, ordering food, or grocery shopping, the users wanted their needs to be delivered faster. For their fine execution, all is required is a top quality user experience. For the businesses who want to attract customers to their websites and boost their revenue, the UX is the key factor that can make it happen.

Today, the digital marketers have realized the effectiveness of aligning UX with marketing, so to create a robust blend for the business development. Both of them sails in the category of the marketing budget, as their motive is to drive the users towards the website and increase conversion rate.

With this, it becomes imperative for UX designers to work with marketing experts, and start learning the way they think. In spite of the fact that the marketers have basic knowledge of designing, but they’ve a solid grip in understanding the user psychology and buying behavior.

And, the web designers are talented enough to create interfaces that will serve these requirements. This inter-relationship between the two is collaborative and both are required to work collectively to attain success in their forte.

Before delving deep into the topic, let’s first understand what is user experience? Well, the user experience is all about creating meaningful and relevant experience to the users while navigating through a website. The fundamental elements that digital marketers and UX experts should understand are the “users”, “their goals”, tasks, and journey.

User Experience (UX) Design Affects Your Digital Marketing

(UX) Design Affects Your Digital Marketing

Website is one of the most valuable asset for a business for sure. The content you put on it should be catchy enough that it encourages the visitors to take an action. You should ensure that your website offers intuitive and seamless user experience to the visitors. The world of UX is complex one, where you are required to explore different facets, so it would be great to approach UI/UX experts to assist you in this context.

At the time of strategizing digital marketing plan, there are plenty of factors that you should focus on. Here they are:

  • User Interface

User Interface

It is considered as the face of your website. The element distribution across the page, font style and color selection comes in that section, which leverages in setting an impression in the visitor’s mind. These small detailing add significant value to your website. Whether you’re placing a “subscribe” button or any other CTA button, the design should be easy to use, and guides the users properly what to do next.

Don’t try to impress them with the options as it will degrade the user experience. You can use the colors smartly to portray particular emotions and brand’s traits. This also helps in pulling the user’s attention. Your font selection has a huge role in creating the impression for your brand. A conservative font helps in giving a professional touch to a brand while playful font depicts the youthful and relaxed side of the business.

  • Speed

People dislike websites that are slow to load. They’’ll abandon the website which doesn’t gets loaded within three seconds, and will look up to better alternatives. If the users can easily browse through your website, and find the things that they’re searching for, then the user experience will automatically gets improved.

A website with a slow speed has a higher bounce rate- the percentage of visitors leaving a website after visiting only one page. This gives search engines a sign that your page irrelevant to the search or the content is not useful enough. As a consequence, the page ranking will be decreased. Those who have a slow loading website, it is the right time to start working on its speed, else you’’ll lose out your potential customers.

  • Usability

You should never hamper functionality just for the sake of aesthetics. Be it a website or an app, your inclination should be on simplicity, so you don’t have to discard important features and functionality. The design should be based on the features that are required the most for your website

  • Mobile Experience

Mobile Experience

With the growing use of the mobile devices, it is necessary that you build digital marketing strategies by keeping mobile into main consideration. If you are creating a website, then you should not be confined to only desktop version. In order to deliver a wonderful user experience to the customers, your website should be optimized for both the desktop and mobile screens. This will give your content the uniformity across all the platforms.

Underneath are some reasons that explain why user experience is important for the digital success. Let’s give them a read:

# 1. Experience matters a lot

As market rivals are constantly embracing advancement, so it’s a high time for you as well to join that league. You should offer the users a flawless user experience that they can cherish for long. An ease of navigation is something that you should give more focus, as this makes the users to search for the things they need.

# 2. Product promotions

product promotion

Be it a user experience or marketing, both are centered at product promotions for the businesses, so to boost the sales. Due to this reason, the design team should collaborate with the digital marketing firms, which can help them in constructing a result-driven campaign for advertising and pushing sales.

# 3. UX is far beyond interfaces

UX is not merely about creating fabulous user interfaces. It is just a part of the user experience. Basically, the user experience defines the relationship between people and technology. Since the usage of technology and digital marketing is increasing, so the nature of this relationship is coming at the front.

# 4. Detailed research is important

The digital marketing is driven towards quantitative research methods, and design research is qualitative. It is mainly because the market research is carried out for a particular product of specific industry, and the user experience is research-intensive in nature. This makes the designers to understand the actual needs of the target customers, so they can cater their users exactly what they are looking for.

# 5. User Testing is Necessary

user testing

When it is about UX of a website or an app, the designing experts spend a major amount of time in achieving perfection. They perform vigorous user testing as it makes the designers quickly detect flaws and fix them. And, this can bring a good impact on the digital campaigns, as the marketing professionals will easily understand the buying behavior and user psychology. Hence, the user testing is the best possible solution to improve the UX and solidify the marketing campaigns as well.

# 6. User Experience Builds Loyalty

Remember that, you can’t buy loyalty. It will come with powerful branding and customer relationships which are engaging and rewarding. The only way to drive customer loyalty is by offering the users an excellent user interface. The more you invest time in digital marketing efforts, the better you will acquire loyal customers for your business.

# 7. Collaboration drives success

For a business to be successful, the collaboration between designers and marketers is crucial. This is the driving parameter which ensures overall growth. While UX is useful in creating value for the buyers, marketing does exactly the same thing for the businesses by enforcing the users to convert. UX empowers the digital campaigns which help in drifting massive traffic, increased conversion and ROI for the businesses.

UX boosts the digital marketing strategies while digital marketing gives analytical insights about the real life users, which is highly beneficial in enhancing the user experience across the web and mobile. The tools which are useful in getting such insights are Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Insights, etc.

Some concluding thoughts

With all these, it is pretty safe to conclude that UX is key to enhance customer engagement and conversion rate. The user experience matters a lot in the digital marketing. Inadvertent of the device or content medium, the users will stick to a website or app that will provide them fast, interactive, and visually grabbing virtual environment.

From the time the customers learn about your brand’s name to the time they become your loyal customer; you should give your utmost attention towards the user experience. Note it, improving the customer journey possesses the potential to increase the customer satisfaction rate.

If you are actively seeking for a reliable online marketing service, then Sparx IT solutions is the name you can trust. We have the best team of digital marketers who will dedicatedly work in improving your online presence.

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Top Digital Marketing Agency In Indianapolis Thu, 30 Aug 2018 09:09:11 +0000 Are you searching for a Digital Marketing Agencies in Indianapolis? Here are the list of best searched marketing agency to full-fill your requirements. Indianapolis is the most popular city of the US state. And, the city is well-developed and considered as the home to everything. Over the years, the city has been renowned for racing events […]

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Are you searching for a Digital Marketing Agencies in Indianapolis? Here are the list of best searched marketing agency to full-fill your requirements.

Indianapolis is the most popular city of the US state. And, the city is well-developed and considered as the home to everything. Over the years, the city has been renowned for racing events that particularly were organized for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Do you know that Indianapolis is also acclaimed as a credible city to avail digital marketing services? There are many professionally managed digital marketing agencies in Indianapolis that claim to offer result-oriented services to make a brand visible over the web. Furthermore, we have accumulated a list of the top marketing agencies in Indianapolis that are considered to be the most prominent name to hire services from. Additionally, the organizations are in the service for many years and also attained a proven track record in delivering quality SEO services to the businesses.

Why Are We Listing The Top Digital Marketing Agencies From Indianapolis?

It’s extremely difficult to search out for small businesses to find the right and reliable digital marketing agencies from the market. Our aim is to reduce the hassle of businesses and facilitate them with a well-sorted list of Indianapolis SEO companies.

After evaluating 180 companies on various industry parameters, we have accumulated a refined list of
10 leading companies that are actually doing great the in digital marketing domain.

We follow a proven selection criterion which includes companies – digital marketing agency stats


• Conduct a complete review of the company’s quality services and delighted customers.

Market Credibility
• Know the organization’s market value that describes the received accreditation, awards and quality certifications.

Overall Experience
• Get to know how much experience the companies possesses and what practical strategies they use to execute digital marketing services in Indianapolis.

Customer Response Time
• We conduct the analysis and discover the companies that respond fast to customer queries and resolve their issues in less time.

Professionalism Level
• The factors that greatly contribute to a firm’s success like reliability, quality and consistency in services make it professional in all manners.

Let’s have a look at each digital marketing agency in Indianapolis one by one:

Hanapin Marketing



Hanapin Marketing is a well-established digital marketing agency Indianapolis. The company has been incepted with the aim to increase the visibility of the businesses on all the major search engines and make them popular among customers. For years, the organization is indulged in handling simpler to complex marketing projects for a variety of industries & brands.

Services Offered:

  • Paid Search
  • Paid Social
  • Amazon Advertising
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Shopping Campaign
  • Programmatic Advertising

Who They Serve:

  • Small & Large E-commerce Companies
  • Education Sectors
  • Tour & Travel Agencies

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – Not Disclosed
  • Avg Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 50 – 249
  • Address – 501 N Morton St #212, Bloomington, IN 47404



If you have not been able to justify the ROI of your business, hire Element212 to have professional digital marketing services. The company is highly-reliable and moves with the goal to ensure quality results to the businesses. They employed passionate digital marketing agency experts who execute trendy yet suitable tactics to increase a business’s bottom line. Connecting with this company will not only grow brand awareness but also maximize the return on investment.

Services Offered:

  • Branding/Positioning
  • Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Market Research
  • Digital Advertising
  • Marketing Consultation
  • PPC
  • Email Management
  • Local Listing
  • Content/Blogging
  • SEO

Who They Serve:

  • Small business owners for eg. Lawyers, Doctors & Restaurants
  • Small, medium and large eCommerce Businesses
  • All types of national and international businesses

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – $1,000+
  • Avg. Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 10 – 49
  • Address – 1106 Meridian St., Suite 212, Anderson, IN 46016
  • Call: (317) 296-7314
  • Fax: 866-346-7688
  • E-mail:


MediaFuel is another well-renowned digital marketing agency in Indianapolis. The company has been running for many years with a sole motive to facilitate clients to offer business-oriented branding services. MediaFuel is helping businesses with outstanding marketing and branding services that further prove an earning point for them. They have talented digital marketing professionals who possess a specialty in advertising, marketing, branding and many other related aspects.


Services Offered:

  • Plan Business Strategy
  • Messaging Strategy
  • Lead Generation
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Reputation Management
  • Branding/Marketing
  • SEO/Internet Marketing

Who They Serve:

  • Serve businesses of all industries

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – Not disclosed
  • Avg. Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 2 – 9
  • Address – Fishers, Indiana near 126th Street and Promise Road
  • 12574 Promise Creek Lane, Ste 138, Fishers, IN 46037
  • Landline – 317.578.3399



This company is also a credible digital marketing agency in Indianapolis. This organization has attained a great niche in the market due to the quality services. Rather, it constantly endeavors hard to implement new ways to achieve the desired online marketing results for the businesses. Partnering with TrendyMinds not only gives a close insight into the weak and strong aspects of the business but also improves them to provide new opportunities for businesses.

Services Offered:

  • Advertising
  • Branding
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • PR & Social Media

Who They Serve:

  • Almost all the industries across Indianapolis.

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – Not disclosed
  • Avg. Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 10 – 49
  • Address – 317.926.1727 531, East Market Street Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • Landline – 317.926.1727
  • Email –


imavex is a leading online marketing company which has been gaining tremendous praise for delivering high-quality digital marketing services to a variety of industry domains. It is a trusted digital partner for many companies who needed a great to protect their business from sinking. Choosing the firm as an ideal digital marketing agency in Indianapolis will be a wise decision in all manners.

Services Offered:

  • PPC
  • SEO
  • Social Campaign
  • Public Relations
  • Email Management
  • Local Listing
  • Content/Blogging
  • Branding/Positioning
  • Reputation Management
  • Marketing Consultancy/Strategy

Who They Serve:

  • Local Businesses that are owned privately
  • Locally established business franchisee
  • Small, medium and large eCommerce businesses
  • National & international businesses

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – $5,000+
  • Avg. Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 10 – 49
  • Address – 8770 North St, Ste 100, Fishers, Indiana 46038
  • Landline – 317.747.0174



This is another trustworthy company which is offering best in class online marketing to the businesses. The company’s primary motive is to bring better rankings for web pages and generate more leads from them. They also make sure that your site and all the associated products/services are found on the first page of the major search engines.

Services Offered:

  • Pay-Per-Click Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email & Text Marketing
  • Local Listing
  • Video production

Who They Serve:

  • It basically focuses to build a strong online presence for local business owners like lawyers, Doctors and Hotels/Restaurants.

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – $5,000+
  • Avg. Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 2 – 9
  • Address – 15383 Royal Grove Ct,Ste. 201 Noblesville, IN 46060
  • Email –
  • Landline – (317) 863-0742


It is a professional digital marketing agency which is committed to building measured business growth results. If a website is having negative factors, they help fix them and assure that they will not harm the website’s reputation. There are enthusiastic online marketing specialists who take care of the entire digital marketing campaign by preparing powerful content strategies.

Services Offered:

  • Digital marketing consulting
  • Branding & image building
  • Reputation management
  • Search Engine Optimization

Who They Serve:

  • All types of businesses who are looking to have a powerful online presence.

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – $5,000+
  • Avg. Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 10 – 49
  • Address – 47 South Meridian Street, Suite 200
  • Indianapolis, In 46204
  • Landline – (844) 356-3963



The company provides proven and agile marketing plans that are designed specifically for your business. Site Strategists provide you high-end digital marketing services to the businesses that want to be stable on the web for a long time. The other thing which business can get is the competitive and strategic marketing plans that attract customers and bring more leads to the website.


Services Offered:

  • SEO
  • SEM
  • PPC
  • Social Media
  • Audio/Video Content
  • Content Blogging
  • Email Management
  • Reputation Management
  • Marketing Consultancy/Strategy

Who They Serve:

  • Medium/large national and international businesses

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – $1,000+
  • Avg. Hourly Price -$100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 10 – 49
  • Address – 1317 N Pennsylvania St suite a, Indianapolis, IN 46202
  • Landline – 317.653.4365




The EverEffect is an industry-leading digital marketing company in Indianapolis. For many years, it is renowned as the best agency which is delivering quality-oriented digital marketing services to almost all types of businesses. Throughout each project, they set a robust strategy which matches with business goals and provides favorable results for the ongoing project.


Services Offered:

  • Paid Search
  • Social Media
  • Technical Marketing
  • Web Analytics
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Content Marketing
  • Infographics
  • Video Content

Who They Serve:

  • Small, medium and large business enterprises
  • Locally established franchisee
  • All types of eCommerce businesses

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – $5,000+
  • Avg. Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 10 – 49
  • Address – 120 East Market StreetSuite 1050Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • Landline – 888.506.2183



Well Done Marketing is one of the most known digital marketing agencies in Indianapolis. The company works for industry’s struggling businesses to bring better marketing opportunities for them. They consider it their duty to provide well-planned digital marketing services that seem to be designed for their businesses only.



Services Offered:

  • Advertising
  • Public Relations
  • Strategy & Branding
  • Digital Marketing

Who They Serve:

  • Different small and medium businesses that are locally focused
  • Individuals that have established their own presence like Doctors & Lawyers
  • E-commerce Businesses

Other Specifications:

  • Projects Completed – $5,000+
  • Avg. Hourly Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Dedicated Employees – 10 – 49
  • Address – 1043 Virginia Ave. Suite 1A
  • Indianapolis, IN 46203
  • Landline – 317.624.1014
  • Email –

Final Thoughts:

It is true that selecting from a wide list of digital marketing agency in Indianapolis is daunting. But, if you follow our aforementioned list of best-selected companies, you will able to get the one which suits your business needs. So, without any delay start going through the companies and connect with the one which seems legitimate to you.

Most Asked Questions:

Question 1: Is it necessary to hire a digital marketing company?
Yes! It is the first step to get the most out of your website or business. By doing so, you will be able to understand the weak and strong points of your marketing strategies. In short, hiring a reliable company will help you bring more opportunities for your business.

Question 2: What do we need to consider while searching for a digital agency?
Before partnering with any digital marketing agency, it is necessary that you review the experience and projects they have delivered to the clients. Moreover, it is also mandatory to know the type of businesses they served.

Question 3: What criteria do these companies follow to charge for services?
Basically, it all depends on the scope and intricacies of the project you want to get accomplished. If you want a complete digital marketing package, it will incur a big amount. In other cases, the services will be charged variable.

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Unfolding Google’s Mobile-first Index Update For Website Advancement Thu, 07 Jun 2018 12:40:30 +0000 Mobile First Indexing! Isn’t it the term which has been heard so many times in today’s web development era? Absolutely correct. Basically, it is the modern trend where Google made a lot of efforts to push websites to achieve mobile-friendly content for users. Finally, it’s official now. As per new achievement/update, soon Google will give […]

The post Unfolding Google’s Mobile-first Index Update For Website Advancement appeared first on Sparx IT Solutions.

Mobile First Indexing! Isn’t it the term which has been heard so many times in today’s web development era? Absolutely correct. Basically, it is the modern trend where Google made a lot of efforts to push websites to achieve mobile-friendly content for users.

Finally, it’s official now. As per new achievement/update, soon Google will give preference to the mobile-first websites and will be sending notifications to their webmasters. The update still in testing phase and will appear in action later. The rollout of mobile-first indexing is all about making web owners aware that their websites are enabled for mobile-first indexing. This simply means that if your website is responsive and supports mobile-friendly content, you may soon get this type of notification from Google itself.

Earlier, when mobile-first indexing news was unveiled, it seems that the project will take time to show its influence. But, now the Google’s big news makes all of us amazed as it sounds like mobile-first indexing has already been in the trend. Google will throw indexing notifications to Google search console.

See the image for better insights:

indexing notifications to Google search console

According To Google, How Mobile-first Indexing Works For A Variety Of Websites:

Previously, Google focused on desktop content versions to index website pages for the evaluation of user’s queries. With this recent update, the criteria has completely transformed as now, Google decided to predominantly index the mobile version of the web content for better user visibility and ranking. However, it doesn’t directly affect the ranking of a website but yes, it definitely improves the search result ratio for the page.

Google assigned this task to the Googlebot which indexes and crawls for mobile-first pages through smartphone agent. However, the news has just launched, so web owners may see this drastic transformation soon in their websites. Google will not stop here as it will continue to show the fervent URLs that seem most relevant to users’ generated queries.

A dedicated team at Google reviewed a variety of websites and prepared a chart to describe the impact that websites get after mobile-first indexing.

Detailed chart to explore:

Mobile-First Index-Update

Let’s us guide you how can you make your website optimized or prepared for mobile-first index:

♦ Get Insights From Google’s Webmaster Blog Post

Besides Google, you may not have clear and exact details regarding any of its update. Thus go there and read the analysis regarding mobile-first index optimization. You will find two most important points:

First, if you have responsive or a dynamic serving website where the content & markups are uniform in appeal, there is no need to change anything for further optimization.

And, if your site configuration provides different appeal on different devices like desktops and mobiles. It is mandatory that you make some changes to your site.

♦ Go Responsive

Transforming the website into responsive one is the smart move you should make for the betterment for your business. Having a single URL which adapts to all the devices and associated screens, proves the best strategy for users, search engines and also for those who are optimizing the website for further improvements. Additionally, it directly supports mobile-first indexing.

♦ Put At Least Primary Website Content On Mobile Site

Don’t worry if you are not having a responsive website. You can win the race of mobile-first optimization by placing the most important content for your website on mobile site. It will be appearing to your mobile site as your primary source of content. By not doing the same may bring negative impact as per Google’s new update.

♦ Tabs & Accordion Menus Content Will Not Be Discounted

You must have heard that Google penalizes websites for spam content and copied information. Google also makes web owners aware about the hidden content they have behind the tabs and accordion menus. Now, with this impending update of mobile-first indexing, Google is back in the form and backtracking the websites to disclose their hidden content.

Ending Notes:

Mobile traffic can’t be considered as the future wave. It’s here only and going to stay for long. Google’s update for mobile-first index signifies that Google will give preference to the mobile websites over desktops in the future. This change is being noticed on a large scale as business owners are rapidly transforming their websites into responsive ones.

So, if you are still running a desktop website, change your thought process and make astute move for making your web presence an exceptional experience for the users.

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Get Ready With The Boom Of Voice Search For Website Optimization Fri, 25 May 2018 11:01:20 +0000 What does it imply that voice search plays a significant role in digital marketing? Experts say that you only need to adjust it as per your success factors. Is it right? How can one do it? Clear all your doubts by going through the entire blog. Voice search optimization is something which every web owner […]

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What does it imply that voice search plays a significant role in digital marketing? Experts say that you only need to adjust it as per your success factors. Is it right? How can one do it? Clear all your doubts by going through the entire blog.

Voice search optimization is something which every web owner needs to understand or deal with it. In 2018 or many upcoming years, it will be a vital part of implementing SEO. Even, the emergence of artificial intelligence and advanced technology improvements have completely transformed the way people interact with mobile devices. They consider raising voice queries a more favorable way over typing a long phrase to the Google. Today, whether it is searching a fine restaurant near your place, listening to a favorite song or surprising family by booking movie tickets for a film. Most of the people depend on voice search. The ratio has reached to 40% which stats that these people give priority to voice search when it comes to searching via their smartphones. Since the introduction of Siri, people consider it quite easy to make voice searches to nail down exactly what they are looking for. Not only Siri, there are many other voice search devices that absolutely fit for uplifting website SEO. The devices are:

  • Google Assistant
  • Siri/iPhone
  • Google Home
  • Amazon Echo/Alexa
  • Microsoft Cortana
  • Tablets (for Android and iPad)
  • Android Phones

Now, the point can be justified that how voice search through these devices can enhance a website’s online presence. To know more, you can have a look at the below stats that are true and support the revolution of voice search in the market.

  • Earlier in Google I/O, the company announced that more than 20% of searches are coming via voice mediums.
  • ComScore mentioned that around 40% adults use voice searches once in a day for information gathering.
  • By seeing the fast revolution, it is expected that by 2020 50% out of total searches will be voice intent.
  • Google says that searches here are 30 times more likely than typing searches.
  • Moreover, in past 12 months, people have used voice search to explore local businesses.

You will be wondered to know that how people use voice search on a regular basis: Their patterns of asking queries are as follows:

  1. Can you book me a flight for today?
  2. What is the current status of my flight?
  3. Is my flight delayed?
  4. Can you make a reservation for two to my favorite place?
  5. I confirm the cancellation
  6. Show photos from my gallery
  7. Show me the TV shows with timing
  8. Open the Word Document
  9. Open my email

These are the generic queries people raise to utilize voice search technology. However, the ratio of search has changed by the age group, but there is not so much difference in stats. Now, the moment is to move towards the tips that are trending to make voice search more effective for users.

A look at the ways that can help web owners optimize their website for voice search:

Aim Towards Featured Snippets

As per today’s scenario, Google Assistant and Google Home prefer reading the featured snippet content while answering the queries. Here, it makes sense that being marketer you should focus to attain the elusive zero position for your information. It’s not certain that what type of answers can help attain that position. Hence, the point is clear that you should be precise and to the point when it comes to explaining something on the web. You can make your content strong by:

  • Answering specific questions
  • Answering queries concisely
  • Write engaging & interesting copy

Aim Towards Featured Snippets

Bring Perfection To Your Local SEO

There is a majority of 39% people who make searches to have business information. So, it’s quite clear that you should optimize your business for local SEO. Before implementing any local SEO strategy, make sure that your Google My Business is updated with the latest address, contact details and opening & closing time. If a user asked “get me to my nearest coffee shop”, your position should be on the top. In short, you should be updated in terms of business and its associated aspects. Bring Perfection To Your Local SEO Create Precise FAQ Pages Creating FAQs is the best strategy one can use to optimize voice search. Your questions should be in conversational ways so that users get instant answers when they place their queries in long-tail with conversational keyword phrases. One more thing, you should answer the common FAQs for the page to improve your website’s voice search capability. Create Precise FAQ Pages Work On User Manuals You will be thrilled to know that most of the information that adequately optimizes a website for voice search is obtained from the user manuals indexed on search engines. Through the better use of manuals and the listings created to attain traffic, one can efficiently get excellent voice search results for the website. It’s one of the best things that you are prepared to answer specific voice-search questions imitative to the customers’ behavior.

Final Thought: As search engines are evolving so fast, so must we. It is really very critical to have quality traffic on-board. But, with voice-search SEO, you will get a truly amazing technique that makes way for better and bright business future. It will be in trend in upcoming years as it is being immensely loved and admired by users of all age groups.

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Switch Your Website From HTTP To HTTPS To Avail Immense SEO Benefits Fri, 16 Mar 2018 10:30:10 +0000 Google, the world’s biggest search engine started a mission to make HTTPS a standard protocol to be followed by all the websites. But, why is this so important for websites to move from HTTP to HTTPS to get rich SEO results? What’s the major role of it and does it really matter that your website […]

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Google, the world’s biggest search engine started a mission to make HTTPS a standard protocol to be followed by all the websites. But, why is this so important for websites to move from HTTP to HTTPS to get rich SEO results? What’s the major role of it and does it really matter that your website uses HTTP or HTTPS? If you are frequent internet user, you must have noticed that a number of websites are loaded with the HTTPS rather than HTTP. People often ignore this fact, but this single “S” makes a big difference when it comes to security and high-rank. Let’s start by differentiating both the terms:

HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a system to transmit & receive information through the internet. It is the widely used method of presenting accurate information to the users with efficiency.

HTTPS – on the other hand, referred as Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It is developed to transfer internet information more safely. In short, the technique provides a complete security while sharing or accessing any confidential information via internet. Here, website owners can prevent unauthorized access to keep the information secure.

Role of SLL in HTTP & HTTPS: Basically, the difference between HTTP and HTTPS is the SSL certificate. An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate is the protocol which encrypts the information before sending it to the users. It’s a bridge between a server and web browser which ensures that harmful viruses, malware and other security threats don’t enter into the end-users’ network.

Particulars HTTP HTTPS
URL URL has the prefix “HTTP://” URL has the prefix “HTTPS://”
Communication Uses a Port 80 Uses Port 443
Security Has proven security issues Eliminates threats for online information exchange

This table will let you the difference between both types of SSL certification along with their specifications. Now, you must have the idea that why websites should move to HTTPS. There are other uncountable SEO benefits of HTTPS. We have come up with a detailed checklist. Have a look at it:

  • Safer websites

Using HTTPS means that your clients, visitors and customers’ information is safe. This technique is vital for all as it gives safe access. Suppose you own an e-commerce website then having HTTPS is crucial. Even if your website doesn’t have the online payment criteria but still, you need to switch to HTTPS for making other transactions secure. Establishing safety features for each transaction brings loyalty in prospects which turns them into quality customers.

  • Google Rankings

Good security comes with the new HTTPS and SSL, websites having HTTPS access are considered more protected. Webmasters often call these websites the most trusted and certified. As per Google’s update, the company is focusing more on the websites that are certified and conscious to keep the users’ information safe. According to the stats, websites based on HTTPS have come out to be an impressive methodology. Google also admires these websites, thus gives preference and high rank to them. These are better and outrank the websites that are still running with HTTP.

  • Increased Security

The HTTPS websites are more confidential and secure as only your website or browser can decrypt the transferred information. It also adds an integrity to the websites which never lets your information get modified in any case. People think that HTTPS is secured by giving it a sensitive password. It’s not true because even boring and non-attractive websites avail benefits by switching to HTTPS. Security and trust are the keys to win customer’s hearts, thus you can consider it a rank booster.

  • Statistical Analysis

What if you can get deep statistical analysis for your HTTPS website? Yes! Use these websites with Analytics to get insights and visitor sources. In return, these websites bring excellent information. This further ensures the website analysis and online marketing campaigns are appropriately tracked.

  • More referrer data

Whenever traffic passes from a secure HTTPS website to a non-secured HTTP source, the referral data might get stripped away. There is a benefit with these websites as when these receive online traffic, secure referral data is preserved. It means that you will attain more secure, accurate and detailed information on an exact referrer. This brings clarity to customers mind and compels them to make repetitive visits. These are the SEO benefits of moving from HTTP to HTTPS. If you are website owner and need to uplift your web presence, it’s vital to make your website switch to HTTPS. Whilst Google advised to switch from HTTP to HTTPS by keeping SEO advantages in mind. The Google community offered the list of securing website with HTTPS that will assist developers and businesses. It will help them reduce their hassle during website switching. We at Sparx IT Solutions switched to HTTPS and the results are great. Users attain enhanced website access without any fear of data loss. Even the website works even faster.

Ending Note: Attaining excellent rank with secure mediums is the key to success for a business website. There are many other ways that can make your website secure and bring good traffic. To implement them, you need to cross numerous hurdles of protection and prevention. But, when you choose to move to HTTPS, you will get all the benefits with a single solution. So, it’s good if you switch from HTTP to HTTPS.

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Implement Latest Facebook Marketing Trends To Get Enchanting Outcomes Fri, 09 Mar 2018 09:05:54 +0000 Are you looking to explore the most proven and demanding Facebook trends 2018? Here is a long list of Latest Facebook marketing trends. You can implement these trends to have a superb business online presence. There is no doubt that Facebook has evolved as an impressive platform. Here, one not only gets ways to get […]

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Are you looking to explore the most proven and demanding Facebook trends 2018? Here is a long list of Latest Facebook marketing trends. You can implement these trends to have a superb business online presence.

There is no doubt that Facebook has evolved as an impressive platform. Here, one not only gets ways to get connected but also they can make them famous among individuals.

Going deep in this topic will bring many true stats. One of them is that the platform has garnered around 3 million new advertisers in the previous year 2017. Now, what do you expect in 2018? Most probably, this year will surpass the current ratio with a huge difference.

Since its debut, Facebook has come a long way with its beautiful features and updates. Especially, when it comes to implementing marketing tactics, this platform works exceptionally. Studies say that Facebook has turned paid social media marketing into the modern ways to materialize digital marketing tactics. It is said that in upcoming years, we can expect Facebook to become a comprehensive platform catering marketers requisites with its new features. Isn’t it fun using Facebook ads to reach the target audience? Yes of course! And, you can attain all this by adopting the latest Facebook updates.

To obtain favorable results, you can opt Sparx IT Solutions as a well-renowned Facebook marketing service provider. Exploring our service portfolio related to these services will let you know our accomplishments in this realm.

Facebook marketing updates to implement in 2018:

  • Facebook Video Ads Are On Surge

In 2017, Facebook videos claimed of being one of the undisputed methods to display promotional content. In the meanwhile, different types of variations have been seen in Facebook videos. Being a Facebook user, you must have observed a surge in video ads that are relevant to any brand. Based on the uplifted demand of videos on Facebook, we can say that video will remain a vital part of Facebook marketing.

There are numerous stats and studies to back this fact up.

One of the most convincing stat from Mark Zuckerberg was that – on an average, Facebook users spend around 100 million hours in watching Facebook videos every day.

This is the fact which encourages more advertisers to use Facebook as their prior marketing platform.

  • Live Streaming Is Increasing Drastically

From past year, the number of users engaging with live Facebook streaming has maximized exponentially. Not only Facebook but also other social media channels are offering live video streaming feature to improve the user experience. Among all of them, Facebook live video feature has gotten increasingly used by users since its introduction. It is calculated that the ratio and engagement of live Facebook videos are greater than the normal posts. Marketers can consider Facebook live streaming as the best way to get organic results. This is happening due to the live feedback that a video gets in form of comments.

  • Rise of AR & VR On Facebook

Facebook introduced AR and VR to take the marketing strategies to a new level. These features were new to the marketing world and proposed to lead the digital marketing towards a completely new realm of interaction. Facebook was no so familiar with the camera effects and object orientation. But, with AR and VR, it plans to unite these two to let users enjoy the ultimate camera and 3D effects. The platform is polishing all the stages to let the users enjoy the interactive 3D models in their news feeds. This will become a highly beneficial technique for marketers in upcoming years.

  • Creative Visual Content (Short Video or GIF)

If an image portraits a thousand of words, then a short video or GIF explains the entire story behind it. Undoubtedly, images are the true companion to promote anything in a business. But, in this modern and fast world, if you use explanatory videos and GIFs, it would be easy to attract visitors attention. Because these videos provide a complete view in short frames. As the demand or these videos is booming, this is quite visible that GIFs have long been praised by users and big marketers.

  • Sustained Rise of Chatbots

As per unveiled stats, Facebook has earned about 100, 000 monthly active bots. These bots active on messenger provide an instant interaction between the parties like a brand or the customer. Here, the chatbots are developed with the aim to render outstanding service to the customers. They work by addressing their basic queries and resolve by sending an automated solution. This ultimately works as a rank booster for the brand and helps to drive more sales through quality prospects.

When you implement all the above-mentioned new Facebook update for 2018, your brand conversion and sales will become just double. You can make it happen on your own providing you are an expert in it. Besides, you can hire Sparx IT Solutions for having an exceptional digital marketing services for your business.

The Verdict:

The development of advanced technologies has given birth to more creative possibilities for businesses to engage greatly with customers. One of the great technology innovation is Facebook which is giving a truly new path to the brands to interact and communicate with prospects.


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