Our Tech Awards

Here are some of the awards that we are most proud of:
  • Top Mobile App Developer
  • Top Mobile App Development Companies
  • Top Mobile App Developer
  • Top Software Developer
  • Certified Mobile App Developer

The Most Appreciated Expertise of Our PHP Developers

We have a team of dedicated PHP developers that can assure trackable growth for your business with robust web solutions.

Custom Web App Development

Our team of developers has extensive experience in working according to the requirements of the clients. After understanding your needs, they will create a custom website by leveraging their expertise in PHP and relational database management system MySQL.

PHP Website Development

Our team of PHP web developers is skilled in all the latest versions of its frameworks. By blending them together, we create web apps that are easy to navigate, use, and perform. The dynamic and vibrant PHP based web apps give the business a competitive edge.

PHP eCommerce Development

PHP and its frameworks allow our developers to create dynamic web stores for eCommerce businesses. With the expertise in writing PHP codes, our developers create robust online stores that can handle an influx of buyers at peak seasons with optimal security.

ERP Software Development

With the powerful algorithms, our team of dedicated PHP developers develop robust enterprise resource planning systems. We provide a system through which businesses can control, manage, and plan their resources effectively.

PHP Based Social Networking Websites

Social networking websites require robust and scalable back-end development. It is offered by our skilled PHP web developers. You can create an app that can take a load of your growing traffic seamlessly and offer an uninterrupted interaction to its users.

Web Portal Development

Every business needs web portals to manage its business operations through the web. Our developers create bespoke web portals that allow the business to offer a unique, encrypted, and highly secure portal to their users.

Build business resilience by opting for our customized digital transformation solutions.

Optimize your existing business or adapt the customized solutions for operational efficacy and enterprise growth with SparxIT. Entrust your destiny and connect with us.

Get Ready to Hire Dedicated PHP Developers Within 8 Hours




After receiving your requirements and project details, our team will provide you with some CVs of our offshore developers which you can crosscheck and scrutinize from your side. The selected CVs are updated for the next round of interview. If you do not find any suitable CVs, we share more.



After shortlisting the CVs, we will align the developers for an interview. During the interview, you can evaluate them on the basis of their technical expertise, experience, approach, sincerity, communication, and other skills. It may happen that you do not prefer to work with any of them, in this case, we will share a new set of CVs.

Onboarding & Introduction


The process begins by creating accounts of communication tools like Slack, Trello, Webex, Skype, or any other tool that you prefer. After the onboarding process gets complete, we organize an introductory call. During this call, we will introduce you to the project manager and your hired team of dedicated PHP web developers. From here on, you can start your project.

Why Should You Hire Offshore PHP Developers?

For quick, secure, and first-time-right PHP development, choose to hire dedicated PHP developers who are well-trained to handle complex projects. Sparx IT Solutions is a one-stop destination for hiring such resources at reasonable rates.

Varied Experience

Offshore developers work on the projects of various clients who are from different industrial domains. This allows them to explore and learn the latest PHP technologies and techniques. Sparx IT Solutions allows its developers to gain expertise in doing complex jobs.

No Training Required

When you hire in-house developers, you have to train them before assigning them to your project. In the case of dedicated offshore PHP developers, you will hire the resources who are well-trained in developing robust websites in your business niche.

Pay Less, Get more

No development process is without any issues or hindrance. Developers do get struck and get confused. This hampers productivity and increases cost. To avoid such things, Sparx IT Solutions assigns a senior developer for your project who resolves real-time issues.

Share the Risk

With in-house developers, you are going to take complete responsibility. In PHP development, a weak back-end can cost the security of your website and ultimately reputation. When you hire PHP developers, you are depending on them for optimal solutions.


The team of offshore developers is hired only for their skills and knowledge on flexible hiring models. You are not responsible for arranging systems, internet connection, security, healthcare, etc for them. Sparx IT Solutions will bear these additional costs.

Uninterrupted Support

We have trained our dedicated PHP developers to work according to the comfort of the clients. Your team will work according to your time zones. They will be available in all timezones for any support and assistance in the project through various communication channels like Slack, Skype, etc.

Choose A Suitable Way to Hire PHP Developers

Time & Material

Minimum investment; maximum output- this explains this hiring model accurately. It is most suitable for those businesses that have short-term development projects. They can hire PHP developers for a defined time period and get their tasks done. This will allow for great control over managing your overall expenditure.

Dedicated Hiring

If you plan to hire dedicated PHP developers, you need a team that can work and focus on your project dedicatedly. It is considered the best approach businesses can adopt to work on long-term projects. It will speed up your development process and make it more cost-effective. Sparx IT Solutions offers businesses the facility to hire PHP developers on a per month, year, or on static budgets.

Build Your Team

This hiring model reduces your project expenses by 50 to 70% as compared to the in-house developers in regions like the UK, USA, Australia and Europe. It is a cost-efficient approach to fulfill your project development needs timely. It not only saves your resources but also provides with competent team working offshore.

Hire Models
Modernize your mid-size or established enterprise with next-gen technologies

Wait no more and contact the expert team of SparxIT and revolutionize your business module with ever-evolving features and scalable solutions.

The Work of Our PHP Developers Speak Volumes



Information and communications technology (ICT) / HTML. PHP, WordPress



Information and communications technology (ICT) / HTML, PHP, WordPress

Research / Information Technology



Ecommerce / B2C / Store Manager(Vendor) / Product Management / Vendor Membership management / Order History / ,Order Delivery Report/Status
Browse Our Portfolio

What People Say About Us

Bree Argetsinger
Bree Argetsinger United States

It has been delightful to work with Sparx IT Solutions. They offered quality solutions within my budget. I would highly recommend them, if someone is looking to hiring a website design and development company. Thanks guys.

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